The film centers on Rango, a chameleon who accidentally ends up in the town of Dirt, an outpost that is in desperate need of a new sheriff.
Under the creative direction of Henry Hobson, these end title sequence for Rango were inspired by handmade techniques like illustrations on paper, woodcut art, and hand-drawn typography.
I was a Lead Animator on the project, managing the animation team, and personally responsible for 1:02 - 1:35.
“We wanted to keep the transitions as analogue as possible without us actually printing them out and stop-frame animating. Alasdair Willson and his team of animators created these kind of painterly swashes to take us between the colors and we used little tricks like lights going on and off and falling down holes, which allowed us to mask some of the color shifts. Alongside that, we used some of the scale textures as transitional textures. If you stop halfway through some of the scenes you’ll see half the screen’s taken up with a scale pattern.”
Featured on Watch The Titles
Studio: Prologue
Executive Producer: Kyle Cooper
Producer: Unjoo Byars
Creative Direction, Design and Illustration: Henry Hobson
Typographer: Manija Emran
Lead Animator: Alasdair Willson
Animators: Daniel Kim, JD Burditt, Jeiko Jongyoon Soh
Character Animation: Darren Sumich, Erik Lee
Character Texturing and Lighting: Bekah Baik
Additional Illustration: Ji Yun Ha, Eunha Choi, Vincent Masson
Additional Animation: Daniel Klöhn, Takayuki Sato, Gary Mau
Director (Film): Gore Verbinski
Client: Blind Wink